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An Appleton Anthology, Lois Regestein, Organist - [OAR-600] $15.98

Lois Regestein plays seven elegant organs built 1812-1843 by Bostonian Thomas Appleton, the revered cabinetmaker who became the leader of New England’s second generation of organbuilders. Devoted to the task of documenting these exquisite organs located in five Eastern states (South Carolina to Maine), Lois Regestein has drawn much praise for her indefatigable effort that has yielded stellar results. The CD booklet includes notes and photos of each organ, notes on the vast array of repertoire, and historical notes by Appleton’s greatest biographer, Barbara Owen.

Metropolitan Museum of Art
New York, New York

1830 Thomas Appleton
August Wilhelm Bach (1796-1869): Prelude & Fugue in D Major
Franz Kotzwara (1730-1791): The Battle of Prague

Congregational Church
Phillipston, Massachusetts
1812 Goodrich & Appleton
George Frederick Handel (1685-1759): Flute Solo and Gigue
Thomas Arne (1710-1778): Organ Solo from Concerto No. 6 in B-flat Major
James Hewitt (1770-1827): The Star Spangled Banner

Second Congregational Church
Middle Haddam, Connecticut
1827 Thomas Appleton
Charles Zeuner (1795-1857): Grand Centennial March (first section),
Chorale Prelude Vom Himmel hoch
Fantasia & Fugue in c minor/C Major
John Stanley (1713-1786): Voluntary IX in G Major

Chapel of the Good Shepherd
St. Philip’s Church
Charleston, South Carolina
1839 Thomas Appleton Organ
Benjamin Yarnold (b.? - 1787): March
Franz Zaver Murschhauser (1663-1738): Lasst uns das Kindelein wiegen per imitationem Cuculi
Daniel Pinkham (b.1923): Gabriel, from Saints’ Days
Johann Pachelbel (1653-1706): Magnificat (two settings) on the 9th Psalm Tone

Reformed Church
Leeds, New York
1843 Thomas Appleton Organ
G. F. Handel (1685-1759): Sarabande
Flute Solo
Aria O Had I Jubal’s Lyre
Adriano Banchieri (1568-1634): Dialogo
Charles Wesley (1757-1834): Voluntary

Methodist Church
Nantucket, Massachusetts
1830-1831 Thomas Appleton Organ
Louise Mundinger (b. 1955): Variation on Nettleton
S. S. Wesley (1810-1876): Choral Song and Fugue
Benjamin Carr (1769-1831): Flute Voluntary

St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church
Yarmouth, Maine
1840 Thomas Appleton Organ
Benjamin Carr: Flute Voluntary
Johann Ludwig Krebs (1713-1780): Fantasia à gusto italiano
Henry Purcell (1656-1695): Voluntary for ye Duble Organ
G. F. Handel: Angels Ever Bright and Fair
John Travers (ca.1703-1758): Trumpet Voluntary
Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847): Prelude in d minor, Op. 37, No. 3

An Appleton Anthology, Lois Regestein, Organist
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