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Jeremy Filsell Plays the Organ of Washington National Cathdedral
2 CDs for the Price of One - [OAR-942]

Jeremy Filsell plays the 189-rank organ of the National Cathedral, Washington, DC, where he has been artist-in-residence since 2010, in compositions created during the cathedral’s first century by American-based composers, many of whom have associations with the cathedral. Opening in 1912 with a 27-rank organ built by E. M. Skinner in the earliest part of the Cathedral to have been completed, the building received a large organ in the upper church in 1937 as built by E. M. Skinner & Son and, despite several rebuildings to date, 43 stops remain from the original organ and 78 of its stops have been installed by other parties since 1963. 2-CDs for the Price of One

Raymond Weidner: Scherzo (Alleluia)

Gerre Hancock: Variations on Palm Beach

Nancy Faxon: Toccata

Leo Sowerby: Were you there?

Leo Sowerby: Toccata, Carillon

Gerald Near: Sonata in 3 movements: Chaconne, Lento, Fugue

George Baker: Berceuse- paraphrase Silent Night

Pamela Decker: La Pantera

David Briggs: Three Preludes & Fugues “Homage à Dupré”

Richard Dirksen: Urbs Beata

Dan Gawthrop: Elegy, Caprice

Norman Coke-Jephcott: Fantasie on a National Air

Richard Purvis: Novelette II

Richard Purvis: A Retrospection

Douglas Major: Concertino in 3 movements: Chorale, Retrospection, Celebration

Reviews Jean-Yves Dupperon in Classical Music Sentinel, October 2012:

Organist Jeremy Filsell certainly picked a selection of works that, each in their own distinct way, emphasize the qualities of this large pipe organ, from its beautiful Carillon to its powerful Trompette en Chamade or seismic wave producing 64' Bombarde Basse.

Highlights include the technically challenging Toccata by Nancy Plummer Faxon. The Prelude "Were you there?" and Carillon by Leo Sowerby, both of which are perfectly suited to display this organ's gentle singing voice and beautiful, mellow flute stops. Jeremy Filsell takes all the time in the world to allow the beauty and serenity of Prelude "Were you there?" to transport your soul. You wish the ever-so-quiet final chord would never end. George Baker's evocatively stirring contemplation on the baby Jesus in his Berceuse-paraphrase, masterfully crafted around the melody to "Away in a manger", ending on a sublime note with the surprise inclusion of the first four notes of "Silent Night". This piece would make a wonderful addition to any Christmas concert or CD. All three offerings by David Briggs, most particularly the fugues, all worked out over some rather challenging harmonic progressions. The sure-to-put-a-grin-on-your-face Novelette II by Richard Purvis, with its quasi barrel-organ antics. And last but not least, the "dispose of your neighbours" Concertino in three movements by Douglas Major. Its powerful final movement titled Celebration makes full use of all the organ's stops, including the impressive Trompette en Chamade and the pedal 32' and 64' stops. I wouldn't be surprised if the organist and recording technician went around the cathedral afterwards checking all the stained-glass windows for cracks.

Organist Jeremy Filsell performs every piece with flair and makes a point to seek out each one's unique characteristics, and matches them to this instruments versatility, beauty and power. The people at Raven Recordings once again prove that the full dynamic range of a pipe organ of this magnitude, and the natural acoustics of the edifice it occupies, can be captured with exactness and true fidelity.

The Organ
The National Cathedral, Washington, D. C.

II. GREAT 61 notes, 4" wind pressure
First bay, north triforium
Direct-electric action™
    16    Diapason
    16    Violon (ext.)
    16    Bourdon
    8    Prinzipal
    8    Spitz Prinzipal
    8    Waldflöte
    8    Holz Bordun
    8    Salicional
    8    Violon
    8    Erzähler
    4    Oktav
    4    Spitzoktav
    4    Koppel Flöte
    2-2/3    Quinte
    2    Super Oktav
    2    Blockflöte
    II    Sesquialtera TC, 12-17
    IV    Klein Mixtur 22-26-29-33
    IV-V    Mixtur 19-22-26-29
    IV    Scharf 26-29-33-36
    VI-X    Terzzymbel 22-24-26-29-33-36
    16    Bombarde
    8    Posthorn electropneumatic
    8    Trompette
    4    Clairon
    8    Trompette en Chamade (Solo)
    8    Tuba Mirabilis (Solo)

I. CHOIR 68 notes, 6" wind pressure
Third bay, north triforium
Electropneumatic action
    16    Gemshorn
    8    Chimney Flute
    8    Viola Pomposa
    8    Viola Pomposa Celeste
    8-4    Choeur des Violes V
    8    Viole Céleste II
    8    Kleiner Erzähler II
    4    Principal
    4    Harmonic Flute
    4    Fugara
    2-2/3    Rohrnasat 61 pipes
    2    Hellflöte 61 pipes
    1-3/5 Terz 61 pipes
    III-IV    Mixture 15-19-22
    II    Glockenspiel 31-36
    16    Orchestral Bassoon 61 pipes
    8    Trumpet
    8    Cromorne 61 pipes
    4    Regal 61 pipes
    8    Tuba Mirabilis (Solo)
    8    Trompette en Chamade (Solo)
    8    Posthorn (Gt.)

III. SWELL 61 notes, 5" wind pressure
Sowerby Memorial Division
First bay, south triforium
Direct-electric action™
    16    Violoncelle (ext.)
    8    Montre
    8    Violoncelle Céleste II
    4    Prestant
    V    Plein Jeu 15-19-22-26
    IV    Cymbale 22-26-29-33
    16    Bombarde
    8    Trompette
    4    Clairon

Second bay, north triforium
68 notes, 6" wind pressure
Direct-electric action™
    16    Flûte Couverte
    8    Bourdon
    8    Flûte à Fuseau
    8    Viole de Gambe
    8    Viole Céleste
    8    Voix Céleste II
    8    Flute Celeste II
    4    Octave
    4    Flûte Traversière
    2-2/3    Nasard 61 pipes
    2    Octavin 61 pipes
    1-3/5    Tierce 61 pipes
    IV    Petit Jeu 19-22-26-29
    16    Posaune
    8    2ème Trompette
    8    Hautbois
    8    Cor d’Amour 61 pipes
    4    2ème Clairon

Fifth bay, south triforium
Direct-electric action™
    8    Flûte d’Argent II
    8-4    Choeur des Violes V
    8    Éoliènne Céleste II
    8    Voix Humaine

IV. SOLO 61 notes, 10" wind pressure
Fourth bay, north triforium
Electropneumatic action
    8    Diapason
    8    Flauto Mirabilis II
    8    Gamba
    8    Gamba Celeste
    4    Orchestral Flute
    VII    Full Mixture 8-12-15-19-22-26-29
    16    Corno di Bassetto (ext.)
    8    Trompette Harmonique
    8    French Horn
    8    Corno di Bassetto
    8    English Horn
    8    Flügel Horn
    4    Clairon Harmonique
    8    Trompette en Chamade
    8    Tuba Mirabilis
    16    Posthorn (Gt.)
    8    Posthorn (Gt.)

BRUSTWERK floating, 61 notes, 3" wind
First bay, north gallery
    8    Spitz Prinzipal
    4    Prasstant
    2-2/3    Koppel Nasat
    2    Lieblich Prinzipal
    IV-VI    Mixtur 19-22-26-29
    8    Rankett

POSITIV floating
First bay, south gallery
    8    Nason Gedackt
    4    Rohrflöte
    2    Nachthorn
    1-3/5    Terz
    1-1/3    Larigot
    1    Sifflöte
    IV    Zymbel 26-29-33-36
    4    Rankett 12 pipes, Brustwerk

PEDAL 32 notes, 5" wind pressure
First through fourth bays, south triforium
Electropneumatic action to lower pitches
Direct-electric action™ to upper pitches
    32    Subbass ext., 12 pipes
    32    Kontra Violon (ext.) 12 pipes
    16    Contre Basse
    16    Principal
    16    Diapason (Gt.)
    16    Bourdon
    16    Violon (Gt.)
    16    Violoncelle (Sw.) 12 pipes
    16    Gemshorn (Ch.)
    16    Flûte Courte (Sw.)
    10-2/3    Quinte from Gr. Kornett
    8    Octave
    8    Diapason (Gt.)
    8    Spitzflöte
    8    Gedackt
    8    Violoncelle Céleste II (Sw.)
    8    Flûte Courte (Sw.)
    5-1/3    Quinte
    4    Choralbass
    4    Cor de Nuit
    2    Fife
    II    Rauschquint 12-15
    IV    Fourniture 15-19-22-26
    III    Acuta 29-33-36
    IV    Gross Kornett 5-3-flat 7-9
    64    Bombarde  Basse  (ext.) 12 generators
    32    Contra Bombarde (ext.) 12 pipes
    32    Contra Fagotto (ext.) 12 pipes
    16    Ophicleide
    16    Bombarde (Sw.)
    16    Fagotto
    8    Trompette
    8    Bombarde (Sw.)
    8    Posthorn (Gt.)
    8    Tuba Mirabilis (Solo)
    8    Trompette en Chamade (Solo)
    4    Clairon
    2    Zink

First bays north and south galleries
    16    Gedacktbass (ext.) 12 pipes
    8    Oktav
    8    Nason Gedackt (Positiv)
    4    Superoktav  (ext.) 12 pipes
    4    Rohrflöte (Positiv)
    16    Rankett (Brustwerk) 12 pipes
    4    Rankett (Brustwerk)
Full Intermanual and Intramanual Couplers
Control System components by Solid State Organ Systems and Peterson Electro-Musical Products, Inc.

Evolution of the Organ
1937    Ernest M. Skinner & Son Organ Company, Op. 510
1958    Aeolian-Skinner Organ Company, Op. 883-A
new console
1963    Aeolian-Skinner Organ Company, Op. 883-B
Brustwerk, Positiv, Gallery Pedal
1964    Aeolian-Skinner Organ Company, Op. 883-C
Trompette en Chamade
1973-76  Joseph Whiteford, Roy Perry, Harold Newcomer, and Robert Wyant
Sowerby Memorial Swell,
revisions to the rest of the organ
replacement of many original stops
1989    R. A. Daffer & Son
new control system
1990    R. A. Daffer & Son
addition of Posthorn
2005    Richard Houghten
new solid state control system

Americana<BR>Jeremy Filsell Plays the Organ of Washington National Cathdedral<BR><font color=red><I>2 CDs for the Price of One</i></font>
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