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Mystics & Spirits, the Dobson in St. Joseph Abbey, Marijim Thoene, Organist
John Speller writes in The Diapason, " … Thoene's brilliant playing on the versatile Dobson organ combines with very interesting repertoire." - [OAR-680]

Dobson Pipe Organ Builders Op. 73, 2000
St. Joseph Abbey, St. Benedict, Louisiana

Organist Marijim Thoene plays the 3m organ of 38 ranks built in 2000 by Dobson Pipe Organ Builders of Lake City, Iowa, in the grand acoustics of St. Joseph Abbey, St. Benedict, Louisiana. Works by Hovhaness, Atkinson, and Vosk were commissioned by Marijim Thoene. The unusual Vosk work is composed in six descriptive movements for the rare combination of organ and native American flute which is played by Kathleen Joyce-Grendahl.

BACH: Prelude in a, BWV 543
MESSIAEN: Dieu Parmi Nous
LANGLAIS: Ave Maria, Ave Maris Stella
TOURNEMIRE: Improvisation on Te Deum
HOVHANESS: Habakkuk, op. 434
JAY VOSK: Songs of Creation for native American flute & organ
Kathleen Joyce-Grendahl, native American flute

Mystics & Spirits, the Dobson in St. Joseph Abbey, Marijim Thoene, Organist<BR><font color = red>John Speller writes in <I>The Diapason</I>, \" … Thoene\'s brilliant playing on the versatile Dobson organ combines with very interesting repertoire.\"</font>
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