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Franz Liszt: Piano Works Transcribed for Organ
Christoph Kuhlmann, Organist - [ACD-2041]

Christoph Kuhlmann plays transcriptions of Liszt piano works on the very Romantic 1925 Steinmeyer pipe organ of 71 stops, restored in 2018, at the Church of Corpus Christi, Berlin, Germany.

Franz Liszt (1811 - 1886):
Vallée d'Obermann from Années de Pélérinage (1838), transcribed by Johannes Geffert
Sposalizio from Années de Pélérinage (1838), transcribed by Edwin Lemare
Il Penseroso from Années de Pélérinage (1838), transcribed by Istvan Koloss
Harmonies du soir from Études d'exécution transcendante (1851) transcribed by John David Peterson

Consolations (1849-50):

Consolation I, transcribed by Istvan Koloss
Consolation II, transcribed by Istvan Koloss
Consolation IV transcribed by Alexander Wilhelm Gottschalg
Consolation V transcribed by Alexander Wilhelm Gottschalg

Angélus! Prière aux anges gardiens from Années de Pélérinage
(1838), transcribed by Fritz Volbach
Bénédiction de Dieu dans la solitude from Harmonies poétiques et religieuses (1853), transcribed by Johannes Geffert

1925 G. F. Steinmeyer Op. 1,400
Restored Orgelbau Friedrich Fleiter 2018
Ss. Corpus Christi, Berlin, Germany

I Hauptwerk
1. Prinzipal 16'
2. Grossflöte 16'
3. Prinzipal Major 8'
4. Violoncello 8'
5. Dolce 8'
6. Gedeckt 8'
7. Doppelflöte 8'
8. Oktav 4'
9. Viola 4'
10. Rohrflöte 4'
11. Oktav 2'
12. Kornett III-V 8'
13. Rauschquinte II 2-2/3
14. Mixtur IV-VI 2'
15. Cimbel III l'
16. Trompete 16'
17. Tuba 8'
18. Große Glocken (E, G-g')

II Schwellwerk C-c4
19. Bordun 16'
20. Prinzipal minor 8'
21. Gamba 8'
22. Gedeckt 8'
23. Quintatön 8'
24. Wienerflöte 8'
25. Unda Maris8'
26. Kleinprinzipal 4'
27. Traversflöte 4'
28. Salizet 4'
29. Piccolo 2'
30. Sesquialtera II 2-2/3'
31. Progressio III-V
32. Klarinette 8'
33. Waldhorn 8'

III Schwellwerk C-c4
34. Stillgedeckt 16'
35. Hornprinzipal 8'
36. Gemshorn 8'
37. Aeoline 8'
38.Vox coelestis 8'
39. Lieblichgedeckt 8'
40. Konzertflöte 8'
41. Prestant 4'
42. Violine 4'
43. Fernflöte 4'
44. Flautino2'
45. Nasard 2-2/3'
46 .Terz 1-3/5'
47. Septime 1-1/7'
48. None 8/9'
49.Campanella IV 2'
50. Fagott16'
51. Feldtrompete 8'
52. Oboe 8'
53. Clarine 4'
54. Vox humana 8'

55. Prinzipalbass 32'
56. Prinzipalbass 16'
57. Violon 16'
58. Subbass16'
59. Echobass (Nr. 19) 16'
60. Oktavbass 8'
61. Gedecktbass 8'
62. Gambenbass (Nr. 21) 8'
63. Choralbass 4'
64. Quintbass 10-2/3'
65. Pedalkornett III 3-1/5'
66. Mixturbass IV 2-2/3'
67. Bombarde 32'
68. Posaune 16'
69. Fagottbass (Nr. 50) 16'
70. Trompete (Nr. 51) 8'
71. Bassclarine (Nr. 53) 4'

Melodiekoppeln: II/I, III/I

Franz Liszt: Piano Works Transcribed for Organ<BR>Christoph Kuhlmann, Organist
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