On two DVDs (no CD in this set), organist Tom Bell and Messiaen scholar Christopher Dingle (author of The Life of Messiaen and Messiaen’s Final Works) present a 3˝-hour documentary of Messiaen’s life and development of his organ music. As well, Bell performs performs 3 hours of Messiaen's major organ works: La Nativité, Messe de la Pentecôte, Livre du Saint-Sacrement, and Le Banquet Celeste, filmed at Blackburn Cathedral on the best organ in the UK for Messiaen. Also, Thomas Lacôte demonstrates the organ of Sainte Trinité in Paris, where the composer was titulaire for 60 years.
Here are two YouTube previews: https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=Messiaen%27s+Musical+Universe+YouTube#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:a48c8909,vid:VummKWaLdtY,st:0