Helga Schauerte-Maubouet, whom Jean Langlais (1907-1991) chose to present the first performances of several of his works, plays eight important pieces among the 254 works bearing opus numbers that were composed during 63 years of Langlais' creativity. She plays the 1977 Kuhn organ of 81 stops on four manuals at the Hofkirche in Lucerne, Switzerland. The CD booklet includes the organ stoplist and English text describing the works. Imported by Raven.
Jean Langlais: La Nativité (1932) Trois Paraphrases Grégoriennes (1933-34) Chant héroïque, Chant de Paix (1942-43) La Suite médiévale (1947) Miniature II (1984) B. A. C. H. (1985) Mort et Résurrection (1990)