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A Cathedral's Voice: The Organ of the Cathedral of St. John Berchmans, Shreveport<BR>Jonathan Ryan, Organist A Cathedral's Voice: The Organ of the Cathedral of St. John Berchmans, Shreveport
Jonathan Ryan, Organist
The Art Harmonium: Hommage to Victor Mustel The Art Harmonium: Hommage to Victor Mustel
French & German Masterworks, Andrew Unsworth, Organ<BR>1992 Kenneth Jones Organ, 79 Ranks, Cathedral of the Madeleine, Salt Lake<BR><Font Color=red>Organists' Review: <I>"…sounds magnificent, playing is clean, intensely musical, and fearless"</font> French & German Masterworks, Andrew Unsworth, Organ
1992 Kenneth Jones Organ, 79 Ranks, Cathedral of the Madeleine, Salt Lake
Organists' Review: "…sounds magnificent, playing is clean, intensely musical, and fearless"
Liszt: Ad nos & Sonata in B minor; Dupré Symphony 2; Winfried Lichtscheidel Plays the Woehl organ at ST. Martinus in Sendenhorst, Germany Liszt: Ad nos & Sonata in B minor; Dupré Symphony 2; Winfried Lichtscheidel Plays the Woehl organ at ST. Martinus in Sendenhorst, Germany
Alexandre Guilmant: Music for Harp, Organ, Harmonium<BR>Isabelle Lagors, harp; Christian Ott, pipe organ, harmonium Alexandre Guilmant: Music for Harp, Organ, Harmonium
Isabelle Lagors, harp; Christian Ott, pipe organ, harmonium
An Appleton Anthology, Lois Regestein, Organist An Appleton Anthology, Lois Regestein, Organist
Vierne Complete Organ Symphonies, Winfried Lichtscheidel, organist<BR><Font Color=red><I>Special Price!</I> 3-CD set Vierne Complete Organ Symphonies, Winfried Lichtscheidel, organist
Special Price! 3-CD set
Sounds Lost But Not Forgotten: The Hot Air Duo<BR>J. Bryan Dyker, flute; George Bozeman, organ<BR>1974 Rieger organ, 84 ranks, St. James's Episcopal Church, Richmond, Virginia<BR><B><I><Font Color = red>2 CDs for the Price of One!</B></I></font> Sounds Lost But Not Forgotten: The Hot Air Duo
J. Bryan Dyker, flute; George Bozeman, organ
1974 Rieger organ, 84 ranks, St. James's Episcopal Church, Richmond, Virginia
2 CDs for the Price of One!
Anton Heiller Plays Bach at Harvard University Anton Heiller Plays Bach at Harvard University
The Mannheim Marvel: 1911 Steinmeyer Organ, 97 ranks The Mannheim Marvel: 1911 Steinmeyer Organ, 97 ranks
Vision at Covenant<BR><Font Color=red>Murray Forbes Somerville Plays Fisk Op. 134, Covenant Presbyterian Church, Nashville<BR><font color=purple>Five Stars, <I>Choir & Organ</I></font> Vision at Covenant
Murray Forbes Somerville Plays Fisk Op. 134, Covenant Presbyterian Church, Nashville
Five Stars, Choir & Organ
Sigfrid Karg-Elert: Late Masterworks for Art Harmonium<BR>Jan Hennig, Art Harmonium Sigfrid Karg-Elert: Late Masterworks for Art Harmonium
Jan Hennig, Art Harmonium
Sacred Expressions: Twentieth-Century Organ Music<BR>Kola Owolabi, organist<BR>1950 Holtkamp Organ, Crouse College, Syracuse University Sacred Expressions: Twentieth-Century Organ Music
Kola Owolabi, organist
1950 Holtkamp Organ, Crouse College, Syracuse University
Anton Heiller Complete Organ Works <font color = red><I>3-CD set</I></font><BR>Roman Summereder Plays<BR>"Bruckner Organ," Basilica, St. Florian, Austria Anton Heiller Complete Organ Works 3-CD set
Roman Summereder Plays
"Bruckner Organ," Basilica, St. Florian, Austria
Miracles: Music for Flute & Organ; Bruce Neswick, organ; Cheryl Gobbetti Hoffman, flute<BR><font color = red><I>"Throughout, this excellent duo displays exemplary artistry and elegance . . ."</I> The American Organist, Nov. 2008</font> Miracles: Music for Flute & Organ; Bruce Neswick, organ; Cheryl Gobbetti Hoffman, flute
"Throughout, this excellent duo displays exemplary artistry and elegance . . ." The American Organist, Nov. 2008
<font color=red>SHEET MUSIC:</font> Gabriel Fauré: Pelléas et Mélisande Suite, Op. 80, transcribed for organ by Thomas Baugh SHEET MUSIC: Gabriel Fauré: Pelléas et Mélisande Suite, Op. 80, transcribed for organ by Thomas Baugh
Messiaen's Musical Universe Messiaen's Musical Universe
Bach: The Great Toccata Bach: The Great Toccata
Thayer & Parker Sonatas on 2 Hook organs, + Chadwick, Daynes, Boëllmann, Parry, Franck, & Bach<BR>Karl Moyer, Organist Thayer & Parker Sonatas on 2 Hook organs, + Chadwick, Daynes, Boëllmann, Parry, Franck, & Bach
Karl Moyer, Organist
J. S. Bach: The Complete Trio Sonatas for Organ, BWV 525-530<BR>John Scott Whiteley, Organist J. S. Bach: The Complete Trio Sonatas for Organ, BWV 525-530
John Scott Whiteley, Organist
A Giant Reborn: England's Largest Organ in 1735, Restored A Giant Reborn: England's Largest Organ in 1735, Restored
The Organ Sings - Organ Music by David Dahl; Mark Brombaugh, Organist The Organ Sings - Organ Music by David Dahl; Mark Brombaugh, Organist
Primal Light (Urlicht), The Symphonic Organ, Kensuke Ohira, organist, Hildesheim Dom, 119 ranks Primal Light (Urlicht), The Symphonic Organ, Kensuke Ohira, organist, Hildesheim Dom, 119 ranks
The Art of Two Manuals<BR><font color=red>3 organs of 3 to 25 to 38 ranks</font><BR>Organists Jason Alden, Susan De Kam, Ronald Krebs The Art of Two Manuals
3 organs of 3 to 25 to 38 ranks
Organists Jason Alden, Susan De Kam, Ronald Krebs
Organ Music of Karl Höller, Jeremy Thompson Plays 1948 Aeolian-Skinner / 2010 Quimby 74 ranks Organ Music of Karl Höller, Jeremy Thompson Plays 1948 Aeolian-Skinner / 2010 Quimby 74 ranks
Virgil Fox Remembered<BR>Peter Richard Conte Plays the Wanamaker Organ<BR>464 Ranks in the Macy's Department Store, Philadelphia<BR><font color = red><I>****4-star review in Choir & Organ!; "One big bundle of joy" reviews Organists' Review</I></font> Virgil Fox Remembered
Peter Richard Conte Plays the Wanamaker Organ
464 Ranks in the Macy's Department Store, Philadelphia
****4-star review in Choir & Organ!; "One big bundle of joy" reviews Organists' Review
Eleanor Fulton Plays at Yale: Musical Evolution Eleanor Fulton Plays at Yale: Musical Evolution
Organ Works of Seth Bingham, Vol. 3 “Cathedral Strains”<BR><font color = purple>Christopher Marks, Organist</font> Organ Works of Seth Bingham, Vol. 3 “Cathedral Strains”
Christopher Marks, Organist
Martin Jean Plays the Valparaiso University Organ Martin Jean Plays the Valparaiso University Organ
Make a Joyful Noise Make a Joyful Noise
Music for Violin & Organ <I><Font Color = Red>Special Price $59.95</I></Font><BR> Six CDs: Murray/Lohuis Duo Music for Violin & Organ Special Price $59.95
Six CDs: Murray/Lohuis Duo
Gaston Litaize Musique pour orgue<BR>Jeremy Filsell Plays the Aeolian-Skinner, Church of the Epiphany, Washington, DC Gaston Litaize Musique pour orgue
Jeremy Filsell Plays the Aeolian-Skinner, Church of the Epiphany, Washington, DC
Widor, Master of the Organ Symphony<BR>Documentary on 2 DVDs & 2-CDs, more Widor, Master of the Organ Symphony
Documentary on 2 DVDs & 2-CDs, more
George Whitefield Chadwick Organ Music<BR>Parker Ramsay, organist<BR>The Last G. Donald Harrison Aeolian-Skinner Organ<BR>4m, Winthrop University, Rock Hill, South Carolina George Whitefield Chadwick Organ Music
Parker Ramsay, organist
The Last G. Donald Harrison Aeolian-Skinner Organ
4m, Winthrop University, Rock Hill, South Carolina
Sub-Total: $766.15

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