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Vierne Complete Organ Symphonies, Winfried Lichtscheidel, organist
Special Price! 3-CD set - [ACD-2042]

In a set of 3 CDs (at a special price), all six of the organ symphonies composed by Louis Vierne (1870-1937) are played by Winfried Lichtscheidel on the large, 3-manual organ built in 1999 by the firm of Gerald Woehl (b. 1940) of Marburg, Germany, for the Church of St. Martinus in Sendenhorst, Germany. The 62-rank organ was built to play French Romantic music convincingly, with characteristic stops, though it maintains a classic core and mixes French nomenclature with German. The works are played wonderfully well and very well recorded in the large acoustic of the church. The 36-page booklet includes notes in English and in German on the music, the organ, and the organist. This CD was produced in 2021 by the Ambiente CD label and imported by Raven.

Organ Symphony No. 1 in D Minor, Op. 14
I. Prélude. Maestoso
II. Fugue. Moderato non troppo lento
III. Pastorale. Allegretto
IV. Allegro vivace
V. Andante. Quasi adagio
VI. Final. Allegro

Organ Symphony No. 2 in E Minor, Op. 20

I. Allegro. Risoluto ma non troppo vivo
II. Choral. Largo
III. Scherzo. Quasi presto
IV. Cantabile. Larghetto
V. Final. Maestoso

Organ Symphony No. 3 in F-sharp Minor, Op. 28
I. Allegro maestoso
II. Cantiléne. Andantino moderato
III. Intermezzo. Allegretto non vivo
IV. Adagio. Quasi largo
V. Final. Allegro

Organ Symphony No. 4 in G Minor, Op. 32

I. Prélude. Quasi lento
II. Allegro. Allegro risoluto
III. Menuet. Tempo di Minuetto
IV. Romance. Adagio molto espressivo
V. Final. Allegro

Organ Symphony No. 5 in A minor, Op. 47
I. Grave
II. Allegro molto marcato
III. Tempo di Scherzo ma non troppo vivo
IV. Larghetto
V. Final. Allegro moderato

Organ Symphony No. 6 in B Minor, Op. 59

I. Introduction et Allegro. Poco agitato e a piacere
II. Aria. Andante quasi adagio
III. Scherzo. Vivace
IV. Adagio. Larghetto
V. Final. Allegro molto

1999 Gerald Woehl organ, St. Martinus, Sendenhorst

I. Hauptwerk (C - a3)
16 Bordun
8 Principal
8 Flûte harmonique
8 Salicional
8 Rohrflöte
4 Oktave
4 Flûte douce
2 Oktave
Mixtur 5-6 rks
Cornet 5 rks
16 Fagott
8 Trompete
I/ I 16
III /I 16

II. Positiv
(C - a3)
8 Salicional
8 Unda maris
8 Bordun
8 Dulciane
4 Flûte
2-2/3 Nasard
2 Flageolet
1-3/5 Terz
Plein Jeu 4 rks
Cornet 5 rks
8 Fagott
II/ 16

III. Schwellwerk
(C - a3)
8 Flauto traverso
8 Cor de Nuit
8 Viola da Gamba
8 Voix céleste
4 Flûte octaviante
4 Violine
2 Piccolo
8 Trompette harmonique
8 Oboe
8 Voix humaine
4 Clairon harmonique
III / III 16

Pedal (C - f1)
32 Groflbordun
16 Kontrabass
16 Subbass
8 Octavbass
8 Gedacktbass
8 Salicionalbass
4 Tenoroktave
16 Bombarde
16 Fagott
8 Basstrompete
8 Fagott
4 Kornett

mechanische Spieltraktur (Héingetraktur, suspended action)
mechanische Koppeln
elektrische Registertraktur
Setzeranlage, Registercrescendo,
Symphonisches Windsystem mit 5 Bélgen


Vierne Complete Organ Symphonies, Winfried Lichtscheidel, organist<BR><Font Color=red><I>Special Price!</I> 3-CD set
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