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Nathan Laube Organ Concert in the Black Forest, Nagold, Germany: Widor, Mendelssohn, Bruhns, Reubke - [Ambiente ACD-1062] $16.98

Widor: Mvt. 1 Allegro from Symphony 5
Mendelssohn: Variations Serieuses, op. 54, transcribed by Nathan Laube
Bruhns: Praeludium in E Minor
Reubke: Sonata on the 94th Psalm

Nathan Laube releases on CD a live concert with works of Widor, Mendelssohn, Bruhns, and Reubke played on the 4-manual, 81-rank organ rebuilt in 2012 by Michael Mauch and Tilman Trefz at St. John's Evangelical Church in Nagold, Germany (in the Black Forest), reinstating many ranks of the organ built in 1874 by Carl Gottlieb Weigle (1810-1880) of Stuttgart for this resonant church when the neo-Gothic building was new. The pipes had been stored by church cantor Rudi Schmid in the attic of a nearby pharmacy when the organ was vastly rebuilt in neobaroque style in 1971 by Fritz Weigle (1925-2012) of Echterdingen. Nathan Laube concertized on the organ in 2013, when the stunning performance was recorded by engineer Toms Spogis who subsequently received Laube's permission to release the recording on the Ambiente label in Germany. Imported by Raven.

HAUPTWERK (II. Manual, C – g3)
Bourdon 16' ‡
Praestant 8'
Rohrgedeckt 8' +
Gambe 8' †
Großquinte 5 1/3' *
Oktave 4' ‡
Holzflöte 4' +
Quinte 2 2/3' *
Superoktave 2' *
Hörnle 2f. 2’ †
Mixtur 6f. 2'
Fagott 16'
Trompete 8' †

SCHWELLWERK (III. Manual, C – g3 )
Quintatön 16'
Prinzipal 8' ‡
Flöte d’amor 8' ‡
Lieblich Gedeckt 8' ‡
Viola 8' ‡
Vox coelestis  8' †
Oktave 4' ‡
Traversflöte 4' ‡
Nasat 2 2/3' ‡
Schweizerpfeife 2'
Terz 1 3/5'
Sifflöte 1' + ‡
Mixtur 5f.  1 1/3'
Dulzian 16' +
Trompete 8' +*
Oboe 8'+
Schalmei 4' +

RÜCKPOSITIV (I. Manual, C – g3)
Gedeckt 8'
Hohlflöte 4'
Prinzipal 2'
Sesquialtera 2f. 2 2/3'++ 1 3/5' *
Quintflöte 1 1/3' +
Scharff 4f. 2/3' +
Krummhorn  8'

CHORORGEL (IV. Manual, C – g3)
Holzgedeckt 8'
Spitzflöte 8'
Prinzipal 4'
Gedecktflöte 4'
Schwiegel 2'
Quinte  1 1/3' (Vorabzug) *
Mixtur 3-4f. 1 1/3'
Untersatz 16'
Fagott 8'

PEDAL C – f1
Prinzipalbass 16'
Subbass 16'
Quintbass 10 2/3'
Oktavbass 8' *
Violon 8’ †
Gemsbass 8'
Tenor 4' *
Basszink 4f. 5 1/3' *
Choralbass 3f. 2' +
Bombarde 32' *
Posaune 16' +
Trompete 8'
Singend Kornett  2' +

Zimbelstern (2017)
disposition 2012: Volker Lutz in Zusammenarbeit mit Tilman Trefz und Peter Ammer

‡  pipes from 1874
†  custom-built register 2012
+ existing pipes revised 1951–1961 or new 1951–1961
* existing pipes revised in 2012

Setzer mit 110.000 Kombinationen
4fach programmierbare Walze
Zungen ab, Zungen-Einzelabsteller
elektronisch beliebig programmierbare Oktav- und auch andere Intervallkoppeln 

Nathan Laube Organ Concert in the Black Forest, Nagold, Germany: Widor, Mendelssohn, Bruhns, Reubke
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