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Fogliano to Froberger, A Century of Ricercars - [SBCD-221] $16.98

Colin Booth plays three instruments he built in Italian style in a program he describes, thus:
"My new CD features these pieces and 17 more, by Claudio Veggio, Julio of Modena, and Giacomo Fogliano, three 16th century composers with distinctive voices. Contrasted with these are very different ricercars by Frescobaldi and his pupil Froberger.

"I have found that this music can appeal to anyone. One can simply enjoy a rich sound-world
produced by the sonorities of three very different Italian style instruments (including an ottavino,
which has attracted a YouTube following of its own) – but also enjoy the development of keyboard
counterpoint from its early origins through to pieces which look forward to the baroque fugue.

My YouTube videos of early Ricercars by Veggio prompted a lot of interest. You can see these here:"

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Music on the CD (20 tracks):

OTT = ottavino
SH = small single-strung harpsichord
LH = large double-strung harpsichord (The double-strung facility of the large harpsichord is used for two tracks.)
Numbers in brackets refer to the AIOM edition.

Julio of Modena: Ricerchare di Julio da Modena per musica ficta in sol per la via di G sol re ut (no. 7) LH

Jacobo Fogliano: Ricerchare de Jacobo fogliano (no. 8) OTT

Jacobo Fogliano: Ricerchada di Jacobo fogliano do Modena (no. 9) SH

Girolamo Frescoboldi: Ricercar secondo SH

Claudio Veggio: Recercada del primo tono per b mollo (no. 26) OTT

Jacobo Fogliano: Ricerchare de Jacobo fogliano da modena (no. 2) SH

Frescoboldi: Ricercar Terzo LH

Jacob Froberger: Ricercar I LH

Claudio Veggio(?): La fugitiva Claudius a.4 (no. l2) SH, (A song tune, in up to four parts)

Frescoboldi: Ricercar Ottavo, Obligo di non Uscir di Grado OTT (The title explains the unusual feature that no intervals of a second are used, as in a scale ["grado"]).

Froberger: Ricercar IV SH (The composer bends the form, to accommodate sections in different rhythms and note values.)

Jacobo Fogliano: Ricercare di Jocobo fogliono da modena (no. 3) OTT

Claudio Veggio: Recercado per b mollo del primo tono (no. 19) SH (A more extended work, in A/B/A form)

Frescoboldi: Ricercar Nono, con Quattro Soggetti OTT (The principal (and first-heard) of the four separate themes, is the "Flemish Bass," a popular tune which the composer also used for one of his Capricci.)

Veggio: Recercar del primo tono (no. 25) LH (An unusually bold, arresting opening, in Pavano rhythm, sets the mood for the whole piece.)

Froberger: Ricercar V LH (A stately, restrained piece, with a particularly beautiful conclusion.)
Veggio: Recercada per b Quadro del quorto tono (no. 27) OTT

Froberger: Ricercor II SH (An extended ricercar; halfway through, the initial subject re-enters in augmentation [one note to a bar], against a more vigorous second subject.)

Veggio (?): Recercada VII (no. 23) OTT

Veggio: Recercoda per b Quadro del primo tono (no. l8) LH (The most extended and virtuosic piece in the whole Castell-Arquato collection. A middle section appears in coranto rhythm, before returning to four-time for the dramatic conclusion.)

Fogliano to Froberger, A Century of Ricercars
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