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 OAR-907   <font color = purple>Missa Orbis Factor</font><font color = red> New Works for the Liturgy</font><BR>Choir of the Cathedral of St. John, Episcopal, Albuquerque, Iain Quinn, director; Maxine Thévenot, assoc.<BR><I>Five Star</I> review Choir & Organ  Missa Orbis Factor New Works for the Liturgy
Choir of the Cathedral of St. John, Episcopal, Albuquerque, Iain Quinn, director; Maxine Thévenot, assoc.
Five Star review Choir & Organ
 OAR-908   Burke on Bach<BR><font color = red>J. S. Bach on the 1929 Midmer-Losh Pipe Organ</font><BR>Anthony Burke, Organist  Burke on Bach
J. S. Bach on the 1929 Midmer-Losh Pipe Organ
Anthony Burke, Organist
 OAR-909   L’Orgue Magnifique<font color=red><BR>Maxine Thévenot plays the 1933 E. M. Skinner, Girard College, Philadelphia<BR><I>Fabulous Acoustics, Magnificent Sound, ". . . Sensational . . ." Reviews</I> The American Organist</font>  L’Orgue Magnifique
Maxine Thévenot plays the 1933 E. M. Skinner, Girard College, Philadelphia
Fabulous Acoustics, Magnificent Sound, ". . . Sensational . . ." Reviews The American Organist
 OAR-910   Wind Song: Music for Flute & Organ<BR><font color = purple>Marijim Thoene, organist; Anne Chabreck, flutist<BR><font color = red>Reviews <I>The Diapason</I>, "What a fine recording this is!"</font>  Wind Song: Music for Flute & Organ
Marijim Thoene, organist; Anne Chabreck, flutist
Reviews The Diapason, "What a fine recording this is!"
 OAR-911   The Art of Two Manuals<BR><font color=red>3 organs of 3 to 25 to 38 ranks</font><BR>Organists Jason Alden, Susan De Kam, Ronald Krebs  The Art of Two Manuals
3 organs of 3 to 25 to 38 ranks
Organists Jason Alden, Susan De Kam, Ronald Krebs
 OAR-912   Fiesta!<BR>Maxine Thévenot celebrates the annual Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta at the pipe organ of St. John's Cathedral <font color=red><I>"Full of character and charm. . ."</I> reviews <I>Choir & Organ</I></font>  Fiesta!
Maxine Thévenot celebrates the annual Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta at the pipe organ of St. John's Cathedral "Full of character and charm. . ." reviews Choir & Organ
 OAR-914   The Last Schnitger Organ<BR>Elizabeth Harrison plays the last organ built by the last generation of the Schnitger organbuilding family <font color=red><I>"most enjoyable"</I> reviews <I>Choir & Organ</I></font>  The Last Schnitger Organ
Elizabeth Harrison plays the last organ built by the last generation of the Schnitger organbuilding family "most enjoyable" reviews Choir & Organ
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